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Come Alive

by Jessica Hawkins

David Dylan

Determined to move on with her life, Olivia Germaine has vowed to forget David Dylan. Struggling to keep her head above water, she focuses on her new promotion and refuses to drown in the memory of their night together.

But when Olivia realizes what life without David means, she must decide if she is willing to risk everything for him . . . and if she is ready to reopen the wounds of her past.

Can Olivia move forward with her marriage despite her feelings for David?

And can David stay away like he promised?

Review by Brittany

           Oh my goodness! This book is fantastic! I could not put this book down, I was anxious to see how the story of David and Olivia would turn out.

            In Come Alive, the second novel in the Cityscape Series, we learn more about the relationship that is blossoming between Olivia Germaine and David Dylan. Olivia has been married to Bill for three years, because he’s safe. After her parents’ divorce, she has had trouble opening up to people, which means she never really opened up to Bill. Once she met David, she started feeling things she’s never felt before, even with Bill.

            Olivia knows she’s in trouble. She’s falling deeper and deeper for David Dylan.

            “He was no gentleman. He was rough and harsh and callous but tender and sweet and considerate.”

            David Dylan is so delicious. He has devastating good looks, charm, and wealth, what every girl wants. He has a carnal air about him that makes its way out throughout the story. He’s sweet, sexy, and can be brash at times. I love the depth Jessica has given him.

            Many times she broke it off with David, but she’s finally faced with the moment where she HAS to choose. Does she go with the person she’s known the longest, the safe choice, or the man she just met, the one who could stir up so much trouble, but makes her feel oh so good?

            Five stars, once again, for Jessica Hawkins. She’s really good at getting a reaction out of me when I read this book. I would burst out in curses at some points, earning crazy looks from my family. Her writing style is fantastic, and there are absolutely no grammar issues in her novels.

            Jessica also gives depth to every character, which I love! The story doesn’t just stop with the main characters; the best friends also have stories that are flowing. She does it so well, that it doesn’t take away from the main characters, but fits right in with the main plot.

            I have already dived in head first to the third and final installment, Come Together. Can’t wait to see how Olivia lives with her decision!

Brittany's Rating

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