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by Ashley Suzanne

Skylar McBride

Mira and Kylee meet Danny and Skylar during freshman orientation, their first week of college. Two sets of best friends embark on a new adventure together, forming life long bonds. 

Mira and Danny are looking forward to their future as husband and wife. Everything was going according to plan. That was until tragedy struck them on graduation night leaving three broken people to pick up the pieces. 

Skylar has always stood in the background, watching his best friend begin a life with the woman he fell in love with until he can no longer keep a distance.

Right when Mira thinks her life is back on track it spirals out of control. What if everything you thought you knew was nothing more than a mirage?

Review by Brittany

Let me start off with two words. Holy. Crap.           

I don’t know why I waited so long to read this book. I am telling you, stop reading this review, go buy it, and start it, NOW.           

Mira Rae Adams is in love with Danny, the only guy she’s ever “been” with. She met him her freshman year, and they’ve been together ever since.           

There’s four of them. Mira, Danny, Skylar, and Kylee. Best friends since the beginning of freshman year. Mira and Kylee are roommates, and so are Danny and Skylar.           

Mira is engaged to Danny, and after they graduate, there’s only a few short months until the wedding. Skylar is standing as Danny’s best man.           

There’s a problem. There was an accident that destroyed everyone’s lives. Reality isn’t as it seems. The love that was for one person was found in another. But when Mira wakes up after a night of sleep… prepare for your mind to be blown.           

Five huge fantastic flipping stars for Ashley Suzanne. I heard this was an ugly cry, and it is. She writes with such detail, such emotion, that you would have to not be alive to not feel what she’s trying to convey.           

The story flows really well, the only thing that got to me was the grammar. There were missing words or too many words. But really, that doesn’t matter, cause the story was so freaking good.           

I cannot wait to start book 1.5, Inception. I HAVE to see how this is going to turn out. This was one of those books where I couldn’t put it down; I stayed up until two in the morning, trying to finish it. I put it down though, so I’d be coherent when the WTF moment I knew was coming, came.           

Great job, Ashley Suzanne. Amazing job. I LOVED IT. 

Brittany's Rating

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